Guðbjörg founded the jewellery brand Aurum in Iceland in 1999, and continues to create pieces as a designer herself.
Almost all of her jewellery is based on Icelandic nature motifs, and her works showcase an elegant blend of modern design and traditional craftsmanship.北欧アイスランドでジュエリーブランド「Aurum」を立ち上げ、自らがデザイナーとして作品づくりを続けるグビョルグさん。

When Guðbjörg was 18 years old, she stayed for a year on Bainbridge Island, USA, as an exchange student.
Looking back on the first art class she took, which her host mother had suggested to try, Guðbjörg remembered that “I found a new side of myself”.
She took all the art classes she could that year and one of them was a jewellery class.
“After that, there was no turning back,” she said.金細工との出会いは、18歳の頃、アメリカのべインブリッジ島へ1年間留学していたときのこと。ホストマザーに勧められたことがきっかけで受講したというアートの授業を、彼女は「知らなかった自分の一面を発見した」と振り返ります。そしてなんと、その1年で受けられるアートクラスをすべて(!)、手当たり次第に受講したそう。そのうちの1つが、ジュエリー制作のクラスでした。
In fact, Guðbjörg had not previously studied in the field of art.
She chose Bainbridge Island because she could enjoy skiing, but still had a desire to “seek an opportunity to see the world,” and finally encountered something: art.
It changed her life forever.実は、それまで芸術分野の勉強をしてきたわけではなかったグビョルグさん。大好きなスキーが楽しめることに惹かれて選んだ留学先で、「世界でいろいろなことに挑戦したい」という好奇心で触れたアートは、彼女の人生を大きく変えました。
As soon as she returned from the United States in 1988, she set out to become a goldsmith.
Firstly, she completed her journeyman’s examination at Copenhagen polytechnic in Denmark, then went on to complete a master’s degree in goldsmithing at the Reykjavik University of Technology in Iceland. After further studies in jewellery design at the Copenhagen Institute of Precious Metals, she soon started to create her own jewellery collection.1988年にアメリカから帰国するとすぐ、彼女は金細工職人としての道を突き進みます。

Guðbjörg has been pursuing her passion for jewellery design exclusively.
Her work has been greatly motivated by the nature of her homeland, Western Iceland.一途にジュエリー制作を追求してきたグビョルグさん。
For example, one of her most iconic pieces is based on a flower she found on the Drangajökull (Dranga Glacier) in West Iceland during a holiday after her study in Denmark.例えば、彼女の象徴的な作品は、デンマーク留学を終えて休暇に訪れた西アイスランドのドランガ氷河で見つけた花がモチーフになっています。
“That was a big influence on me at that time seeing the small delicate highland flower sticking up from the rocks”.「岩肌に、高山植物の小さな花を見つけたとき、衝撃が走りました」
This experience led to the creation of the first two collections, Isold and Heida.
This was the moment when the starting point for Aurum was born.そして制作されたのが、最初のコレクション「Isold」と「Heida」です。

Developing a jewellery collection often takes quite a long time. However, she has been enjoying such a design process for 16 years.
Producing jewellery by hand allows her to put all her skills and knowledge into it, from start to finish.
Her works are made over a long and intense period of time and come to life in her hands.
It is a huge pleasure to see one immediately after its birth, as a first discoverer.ジュエリーコレクションの開発にはとても長い時間がかかります。しかしそのデザインプロセスを16年間、ずっと楽しんできたという彼女。
“In recent years I have become more interested in working with surface and texture in
my jewellery.”
Never stopping, Guðbjörg is determined to evolve and bring in new perspectives. 「最近は、テクスチャー(表面の質感や感触)に興味が出てきました」

Her flexible attitude is also evident in her choice of materials.
“Silver has been my favourite metal especially for exhibitions,” she says, but she also adds solid gold, which has become more demanded in recent years, into her collection.
While she is a craftsperson who is dedicated to quality and tradition, she is also adaptable to new ideas and trends. This approach to production is perhaps one of the reasons why her works are so popular not only in Iceland but also as far away as Japan.変化を楽しむ柔らかい姿勢は、素材選びにも表れています。表現としての作品づくりには銀を使うのが好き、という一方で、近年人気の高まっている純金も積極的にコレクションへ加えているとのこと。

Guðbjörg also considers the environment to be an important part of her activity, and is committed to giving back to nature.
For example, all of her pieces are made exclusively from recycled or re-refined precious metals.
She also uses mulberry paper for her unique packaging, which is modelled on the Icelandic stone. The reason for this is that the mulberry tree grows so fast that collecting its leaves does not interfere with the ecosystem.
Her commitment to the environment also extends to mitigating carbon emissions during shipping, by donating to TreeSisters, a non-profit organisation dedicated to tropical reforestation.自然環境への配慮も大切にするグビョルグさんは、自身の活動が環境の負担にならないよう、環境への恩返しにも力を入れているのも特徴です。

As an artisan and a company owner, Guðbjörg has a busy life.
When asked what her workshop is like, she responds, “It looks a little bit like a cave.”
If she needs to concentrate on a new piece, she retreats to her cave at night or on weekends, to “get the silence.”
Regardless, the word “cave” sounds like her idea of playfulness, and it shows that she really enjoys working with it.職人としても、経営者としても、忙しい日々を過ごすグビョルグさん。

The tranquillity of the sea and land, surrounded by complex fjords, and the majesty of the glaciers and volcanoes that dwell in the unique landscape.
By Icelandic nature, the energy from the earth directly provides her with endless creative ideas.複雑なフィヨルドに囲まれた海や大地の静けさと、独特の地形に点在する氷河や火山の猛々しさ。
“After I became an artist I started to see things differently.”
All of these will develop into the structure and design of new works.「ジュエリー制作をするようになってから、周囲にあるすべてのものの形が、くっきり浮かんで見えるようになったんです」
Flowers, plants, glaciers, waves and animals…
The inspiration of dynamics and calmness from the magnificent nature of her homeland, and the fantastic forms that seem to shape its beauty, are transformed into “little treasures”.
When you hold a piece of jewellery created by Gudbjerg, you may feel the heartbeat of the earth in your hands. Could you imagine that?花や植物、氷や波、そして動物たち・・・